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FUNDrive Website Redesign

FUNDrive is a way organizations, individuals, schools, churches, etc can raise money by collecting used clothing and household items then giving them to Savers for money.


For the FUNDrive redesign, this was the first step to provide a new experience for new and existing users to get started with their FUNDrive events. The FUNDrive team wanted to expand on their brand and separate themselves from the Savers brand. First, was to start looking at the existing inventory and develop a style guide and components library that would carry consistency throughout.

I identified the pain points of the old site and what improvements needed to be made. From research collected suggesting visitors didn't know how to navigate the landing page, I identified ways to increase the amount of information portrayed, especially for first time FUNDrive organizations managers.

As I worked through the design, I brought in new fonts, color pallette and icons to help give FUNDrive a fun feeling. Comparing this to the previous design, I was able to create a brand all its own. I also added a social media trending events section, so users could see other organizations and the success they'd had with their past events.

I added blog page to host articles about everything for organization ideas to fundraising tips to successful event stories. All these pages carried the same brand and style guide for consistency.